Collection: 2025 Back Order 追订商品

Back Order 追订商品

  • Item released sometime ago, our side can still order with supplier, it takes time to arrive after placing order, a deposit is required for placing order with us 产品出货一段时间了,但是我们还可以协助追定,到货会需要时间,请顾客下单付款定金来追定
  •  Price & availability subject to change in time, we suggest customer decide soon to place order. 价格和库存随时更动,我们建议顾客尽早决定
  • 冲动下单可能比后悔没下单更划算 前者可以通过努力填充,后悔没有办法补回 Impulse order maybe better than regret not doing anything. You can always refill the gap, but regret will only stays.